Monday, April 03, 2006

Comcast Sportsnet Drops Ball on Banner Ceremony

Last nights, I watched the White Sox unveil the new championship banners, and it was definitely a tear jerker. It brought back a lot of memories, and I still do not quite believe that it happened. Nothing could have ruined the moment of seeing the banners and the defending world champions for the first time.

However, Comcast Sportsnet did their all to try and blow it for me. They aired a one hour special in which they showed the banner ceremony. This was a really nice idea for those of us who could not make it to the park. Everything ran smoothly until the announcing of the starting lineups. They did not join the festivities until White Sox public address announcer Gene Honda was on the sixth batter of the Cleveland lineup. This only slightly bothered me. What I really wanted to hear was Gene announce the White Sox. I was curious to know if he would say "your World Champion Chicago White Sox," or perhaps "your 2006 Chicago White Sox." Either way, I am sure that moment would have sent chills down my spine. Instead, we were treated to Pat Boyle speaking over Honda and saying, "Gene Honda is now announcing the White Sox." Did Comcast Sportsnet miss the memo that they are supposed to be the eyes and ears for those of us that cannot be at the park? In other words, the events at the park are the important events and not the ramblings of Pat Boyle? Would it have been too difficult for Boyle to shut the hell up and let us hear the official introductions from one of the best in the business?

After the Pat Boyle fiasco, I decided that getting to see the new video montage and the new banners would more than make up for it. Comcast did a nice job of showing the first part of the video and then cutting away to the revealing of the first banner. However, they then preceded to drop the ball again. They failed to return to the rest of the video, and we were instead left looking at the three remaining sheets for a couple of minutes while we waited for them to come down. Staring at white sheets is definitely compelling television. Could these people have been anymore inept? Did it not occur to them that the viewing audience might like to see the rest of the video presentation since we could not be at the ballpark to see it?

Once again, they were supposed to be our eyes and ears at the ballpark, and they failed miserably. They have two more opportunities to correct their mistakes with the ring ceremony tomorrow and the presentation of the trophy on Wednesday. They have an opportunity here to regain some good will from the viewing public by putting on a better presentation than Sunday night, but I have my doubts that they are up to the task.


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